When life gives you snow, put on some snowshoes and get out there!

When life gives you snow, put on some snowshoes and get out there!

snow covered treeOne of my goals with this blog is to inspire more people to embrace the outdoors. But this season makes that more challenging: many people dread winter. Frigid weather, dark grey days with little sun, and heaven forbid – snow.

While I absolutely love the snow, the winter months are my least favorite months. The cold feels limiting and it is utterly demoralizing to wake up, go to work, and come home all in the dark. A few months ago, I read a quote that I will never forget, and it has changed my outlook on my least favorite time of year forever.

Those whom summer’s heat tortures yearn for the full moon of autumn

Without even fearing the idea

That a hundred days of their life will then have passed forever. – Buddha Shakyamuni

This quote hit me like a ton of bricks. Think of all the time I’ve wasted wishing away the dark winter months for summer or the sweltering humidity of summer to yield to the cooler days of fall! Instead of investing so much energy into wishing outer circumstances are different, we have the power — the choice — to decide to enjoy them today.

I have committed to getting outside more than I usually would, regardless of the weather, now that I work from home. Taking advantage of the midday light, I’ve been going out for hikes during my lunch break. More often than not the days have been sunny with blue skies, and I’ve been sheltered from the wind through the forest canopy. woman snowshoeing with joy

We recently had our third snow of the season, which is a rare event these days. Last week I decided to try snowshoeing, because while I love the snow, I don’t love post-holing through deep snow.  

What I discovered I love about snowshoeing is the freedom. You don’t have to follow the same old trail. When there is enough snow on the ground, you can float along wherever your heart desires and create your own path. 

I hope to try cross country skiing next – gliding along through open fields and woodlands seems like it would be highly enjoyable as well.    

I love when everything is blanketed in a layer of white. The earth stills. Ordinary places become enchanted new worlds. We went snowshoeing during the snowstorm last weekend and got to enjoy the solitude.

Thankfully, REI has snowshoes to rent so those of us that get snow once or twice a season don’t have to commit to buying ones. My good friend and adventure partner lent me her snowshoes so I could spread the snowshoe excitement.

woman snowshoeing with trees in background man and dog in snowy backdrop

If you don’t love snow or winter, perhaps the quote above can help you see it in a new way.

We have a choice every single day to be disappointed with what is and wish for tomorrow or to approach each new day with wonder and joy that we get to be alive today.

With the help of some warm clothes and new modes of locomotion, get out there and enjoy the scenery. It just might be fun!